This post is for Hotdocs 11.2.8. I have a curious problem with the program running out of control. That is, it runs until it exhaust memory and stops. The problem is not in the component file but in the templates and deals with parent and sub dialogs. The template is for running a number of transactions in a series. The problematic one is the reorganization of capital of a corporation. My repeating dialog structure looks like the following:
Classes converted on freeze
Classes issued for converted class
Holders of converted class
Shares issued to holders of converted class
All of this is happily done in the component class. Where the problem appears to come is when the following repeats are done in the template:
REPEAT transaction
REPEAT Classes converted on the freeze
REPEAT Holder of converted class
REPEAT Shares issued to holders of converted class
This does not violate the 4-level limit on repeats. But the result is that the program macro runs until the memory is exhausted and stops.
Is the structure of the REPEATs illegal in that it jumps over "Classes issued for converted class"? I cannot see how this is a problem, but clearly it is.
Bill M.