| Word and WordPerfect macros for automatically saving your document after assembly. | |
109. Count Weekdays or Weekends | Determine the number of weekdays or weekends that fall within a given range of dates. | |
108. Running a Macro During Assembly | How to run a macro during assembly. | |
| Determine the day of the year (from 1 - 365/6). | |
105. Internal Database Tables - An Alternative to Pick Lists | How to emulate a database table without using pick lists or external databases; how to select multiple records on a single dialog; how to associate two or more different lists with a particular dialog. | |
104. "In the year of our Lord ..." | Spell out a date in the format "Third day of June in the year of our Lord, this One Thousandth Nine Hundred and Ninety Ninth". | |
103. Include "and" in the Year | Spell out a date in the format "Third day of June, One Thousand Nine Hundred and Ninety".
| |
102. Convert Hours to Military Time | Convert hours to military time (00:00 for 12:00 am, 13:00 for 1:00 pm, 23:00 for 11:00 pm, etc.). | |
| Total the time entries from a list or a repeated dialog. | |
| Compute elapsed time in days (optional), hours, and minutes. | |
| Parse hours, minutes, and am/pm from a text string and SET them in number variables for time calculations | |
98. Amicus Attorney Custom Fields | How to convert an Amicus Attorney custom date, number, or true/false field into one usable by HotDocs. | |
96. Single-line Address from a Multi-line Address | How to reformat a multi-line address as a single-line address. | |
95. Amicus Attorney File Parties | How to import and use party information from an Amicus Attorney file. | |
94. Amicus Attorney Addresses | How to import and use addresses from Amicus Attorney. | |
| Use and placement of variable arguments (padding, unanswered text, format example, merge text, and repeat level). | |
92. Is Date X after Date Y? | How to determine of a date falls after a given date. | |
| The difference between CONTAINS and "=", and when to use CONTAINS. | |
| How to determine if a string is upper or lowercase. | |
| Automatically chooses "a" or "an" to place before a text variable, as appropriate. | |
88. Determine the Last Repetition of a REPEAT | How to determine when a REPEAT has reached its last repetition. | |
87. Does Date X Fall Between Dates Y & Z? | Determine if a date falls between two given dates. Or, determine if a date falls within a given range. | |
86. Remove "and No Cents" | Suppress "and No Cents" when dollar amounts do not have a cent value. | |
| Count minor children; create a list of minor children; filter the minor children out from a list of all children. | |
| Computes the level periodic payment for a loan. | |
83. First Wednesday of the Month | How to determine what day of the month a fixed weekday will fall on (e.g. the first Wed. of the month). | |
| How to create a loop through recursion (having a computation call itself). | |
| Extracts the last word from a text string or variable. | |
80. Sum a Filtered Dialog | How to sum a number field from a filtered repeating dialog. | |
79. Age in Years, Months and Days | Calculates an individual's age in years, months and days. | |
| Format a complete multi-line or single-line address. | |
77. "You must file for the following years ... " | Based on the last year that an individual made a tax filing, create a list of years that the individual must still make filings for. | |
76. "Same As Above" - Carry answers forward | Copies answers from the previous repeated dialog window into the current window.
| |
75. State, Commonwealth, or D.C | Places "The State of ...", "The Commonwealth of ...", etc. before a state name as appropriate. | |
| Determines the percentage of gross income to go to child support based on the number of minor children. | |
| Create a dialog counter that counts down rather than up. | |
72. Nearest/Next Business Day | How to automatically move a date that falls on a Saturday/Sunday to either the nearest or next business day. | |
71. Clear a Repeated Dialog | How to completely clear a repeated dialog (all variables, all levels). | |
70. Avoid ***Computation*** | How to keep computations from returning ***Computation*** by providing a fall-back answer. | |
69. Alternatives to IF ANSWERED | Other ways to test whether a variable has an answer. | |
| Strips all punctuation from a string or text variable, returning only letters, numbers and spaces. | |
| A flexible signing (acknowledgment) date computation that either accepts and formats a date provided by the user, or creates a "fill-in-the-blank" type date where any piece of information can be supplied and the others left as "fill-in-the-blank" areas. | |
| Computes an individual's monthly salary/wages based on their paycheck and the pay period.
| |
65. Parsing "Select All That Apply" Answer Selections | How to parse the selected answers of a "Select All That Apply" multiple choice variable.
| |
64. Which "Select All That Apply" Answers Were Selected? | How to determine which of the "Select All That Apply" multiple choice answers were selected (when "Select All That Apply" is activated. | |
| Determine how many of a multiple choice's options were selected (when "Select all that apply" is activated). | |
| Format a percentage as "all (100%)", "half (50%)", "five percent (5%)", etc. | |
61. Format a Date "900603" (yymmdd) | How to format a date without spaces or separators. | |
60. Convert a Roman Numeral | Converts a Roman numeral back into a standard (Arabic) number. | |
| How to place a tab in a text string. | |
58. Use Returns or Tabs in Merge Text | How to place a Return or a Tab in the merge text of a multiple choice variable. | |
57. Convert Number/Date Values to Text Values | How to convert a numeric or date value into a text value. | |
| Inverts a string of text or a text variable (reverses it). | |
55. Automatically Add Settlor/Trustor to the List of Trustees | If the Settlor/Trustor(s) are also designated to be trustees, this computation will automatically add their names at the top of the Trustees list. | |
54. Referencing Multiple Choice Merge Text | How to reference multiple choice merge text to use within a computation. | |
53. Smart Salutation -- Married Couples | Generates a multi-party salutation that will selectively format for either married couples (Dear Mr. and Mrs. Jones) or for non-married parties (Dear Mr. Jones and Ms. Johnson). | |
52. Format a Fraction as "four and one half" | Formats a number and its fraction in the form "four and one half," "four and one fourth," "four and seven eighths," etc. | |
51. Format a Number as "nine point seven five" | Formats a number or percentage with a decimal in the form "nine point seven five [per cent]". | |
50. Plural Form of a Word | Places the proper plural ending on a word, -s -es or -ives. | |
49. Possessive Form of a Word | Places a possessive ending on a word, 's (Bill's) or ' (Bus'). | |
48. Using Chevrons in Computations | How to insert and use chevrons ("«»") in computations. | |
47. Convert Text to Pig-Latin | Translates a string of text or a text variable into Pig-Latin. | |
46. Convert a Text String to a Date Value | Converts a string containing a date to a HotDocs date value. | |
45. Pop-up Calculator on a Dialog Box | How to create a "calculator" button on a dialog box that pops up a calculator. | |
44. ANSWERED( Variable[x] ) | How to test for an ANSWERED variable at a specific counter level. | |
43. Change the Prompt of a Nested Dialog | How to control how a nested dialog's prompt appears on the parent dialog. | |
42. Use Merge Text with a Multiple Choice's "Other" Option | A work-around that mimics merge text for a multiple choice variable's "Other" option. | |
41. Calculate the Average of Answered Variables | Takes the average of only ANSWERED variables. | |
40. Use an UNANSWERED Variable in a Calculation | How to include variables which might be UNANSWERED in a mathematic formula. | |
39. Auto-Assemble a Document from a Custom Button-bar Button | How to add a button to your word processor's button bar that will automatically launch a given template for assembly. Instructions are also included for creating a menu item or a Windows shortcut. | |
38. Use Both HIDE and REQUIRE | How to both HIDE and REQUIRE the same variable. | |
37. Round Up to the Next Thousand | Rounds a number variable up to the next thousand, hundred, etc. | |
36. HIDE/GRAY Additional Text | How to HIDE or GRAY the Additional Text in a dialog. | |
35. Round to the Nearest Thousand | Rounds a number variable to the nearest thousand, hundred, etc. | |
| Combine various name elements into a full name. | |
33. Populate a Multiple Choice Variable with Data from a Repeated Dialog | Gathers all of the answers from a repeated variable (repeated dialog) and places them in a multiple choice variable. | |
32. Using Quotation Marks in a String | How to place quotation marks in a text string or variable. | |
31. HIDE/SHOW for Regular HotDocs | A work-around for Regular HotDocs (not Pro) users that provides similar functionality to HIDE/SHOW. | |
30. HIDE/SHOW v. GRAY/UNGRAY | Explanation of the differences between HIDE/SHOW and GRAY/UNGRAY. | |
| How to change between ASK modes. | |
28. Auto-Expiring Template | Makes a template "expire" 30 days after the first use or after 30 uses. | |
27. Set a Multiple Choice Variable to "None of the Above" | How to SET a multiple choice variable to "None of the Above". | |
26. Pad a Number with Leading Spaces | Pads the left side of a number with spaces so that the decimals will align properly. | |
24. Last Day of Next Month | Determines what the last day of next month is. | |
23. "Fraction Thereof" Taxes - Rounding Up Incrementally | Rounds up incrementally (e.g. a tax is $3.00 for every $1,000 or fraction thereof). | |
22. Multiple REPEAT Filters | How to use multiple FILTERs for a single REPEAT. | |
21. Selective Period (".") | Determines whether or not a period needs to be placed at the end of a sentence. | |
| | |
19. Master List of REPEAT Variables | Use a multiple choice variable to hold a master list of answers gathered from REPEAT dialogs. | |
| How to produce a column-style list with a computation. | |
| How to Display a Message Box with a Dynamic Message. | |
16. Pop-up Prompts on Dialogs | Have a dynamic message appear on your dialog box to guide or warn the user. | |
| How to create and use a basic loop with a REPEAT. | |
14. Split Up a Name (simple) | Parses a full name into its component names. | |
14. Split Up a Name (complex) | Parses a full name into its component names. | |
| How to clear a variable's answer. | |
12. Returns in Text Strings | How to place a Return (Line Feed, New Line, Carriage Return) in a text string or create multi-line output | |
| How to compare dates within a computation. | |
10. Determine if a number is odd or even | The computation checks a number variable, and returns True if the number is even and False if it is odd | |
09. Test Your Computation One Line at a Time | An overview of using the STEP instruction to test buggy computations one line at a time. | |
08. Using Number/Date Values in a Text Computation | How to include a numeric/date value in a text computation. | |
07. Proration of Real Estate Taxes | For Real Estate closings. Prorates real estate taxes based upon the number of days in the current year that have elapsed as of the closing date. | |
06. Bold, Italic, or Underlined Text | A work-around that allows you to use simple text formatting (bold, italics, underline) in a computation variable. For word processor-based documents only. | |
05. Place a List in a Variable | Creates a list from the items in a repeated variable, and places the list in a single text variable so that it can be inserted anywhere in your document. | |
04. Copy a Repeated Variable | Makes an exact copy of a repeated variable. Copies each answer of one repeated variable into a second repeated variable. | |
01. Random Number Generator | Description: Generates a random number between 0 and 99. | |
02. Count how often a Multiple Choice answer was selected | Counts how many times each option of a MC variable was selected in a REPEAT. | |
03. Decimal numbers without the preceding "0" | Removes the preceding "0" from decimals less than 1 (e.g. "0.75" -> ".75"). | |