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HotDocs Computation Library

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110. Auto-Save Macros
Word and WordPerfect macros for automatically saving your document after assembly.
109. Count Weekdays or Weekends
Determine the number of weekdays or weekends that fall within a given range of dates.
108. Running a Macro During Assembly
How to run a macro during assembly.
106. Day of the Year
Determine the day of the year (from 1 - 365/6).
105. Internal Database Tables - An Alternative to Pick Lists
How to emulate a database table without using pick lists or external databases; how to select multiple records on a single dialog; how to associate two or more different lists with a particular dialog.
104. "In the year of our Lord ..."
Spell out a date in the format "Third day of June in the year of our Lord, this One Thousandth Nine Hundred and Ninety Ninth".
103. Include "and" in the Year
Spell out a date in the format "Third day of June, One Thousand Nine Hundred and Ninety".
102. Convert Hours to Military Time
Convert hours to military time (00:00 for 12:00 am, 13:00 for 1:00 pm, 23:00 for 11:00 pm, etc.).
101. Total Time
Total the time entries from a list or a repeated dialog.
100. Elapsed Time
Compute elapsed time in days (optional), hours, and minutes.
99. Parsing Time Values
Parse hours, minutes, and am/pm from a text string and SET them in number variables for time calculations
98. Amicus Attorney Custom Fields
How to convert an Amicus Attorney custom date, number, or true/false field into one usable by HotDocs.
96. Single-line Address from a Multi-line Address
How to reformat a multi-line address as a single-line address.
95. Amicus Attorney File Parties
How to import and use party information from an Amicus Attorney file.
94. Amicus Attorney Addresses
How to import and use addresses from Amicus Attorney.
93. Variable Arguments
Use and placement of variable arguments (padding, unanswered text, format example, merge text, and repeat level).
92. Is Date X after Date Y?
How to determine of a date falls after a given date.
91. CONTAINS v. "="
The difference between CONTAINS and "=", and when to use CONTAINS.
90. Determine Lettercase
How to determine if a string is upper or lowercase.
89. "a" or "an"
Automatically chooses "a" or "an" to place before a text variable, as appropriate.
88. Determine the Last Repetition of a REPEAT
How to determine when a REPEAT has reached its last repetition.
87. Does Date X Fall Between Dates Y & Z?
Determine if a date falls between two given dates. Or, determine if a date falls within a given range.
86. Remove "and No Cents"
Suppress "and No Cents" when dollar amounts do not have a cent value.
85. Minor Children
Count minor children; create a list of minor children; filter the minor children out from a list of all children.
84. Amortization Table
Computes the level periodic payment for a loan.
83. First Wednesday of the Month
How to determine what day of the month a fixed weekday will fall on (e.g. the first Wed. of the month).
82. Loops via Recursion
How to create a loop through recursion (having a computation call itself).
81. Last Word
Extracts the last word from a text string or variable.
80. Sum a Filtered Dialog
How to sum a number field from a filtered repeating dialog.
79. Age in Years, Months and Days
Calculates an individual's age in years, months and days.
78. Complete Address
Format a complete multi-line or single-line address.
77. "You must file for the following years ... "
Based on the last year that an individual made a tax filing, create a list of years that the individual must still make filings for.
76. "Same As Above" - Carry answers forward
Copies answers from the previous repeated dialog window into the current window.
75. State, Commonwealth, or D.C
Places "The State of ...", "The Commonwealth of ...", etc. before a state name as appropriate.
74. Child Support
Determines the percentage of gross income to go to child support based on the number of minor children.
73. Decreasing COUNTER
Create a dialog counter that counts down rather than up.
72. Nearest/Next Business Day
How to automatically move a date that falls on a Saturday/Sunday to either the nearest or next business day.
71. Clear a Repeated Dialog
How to completely clear a repeated dialog (all variables, all levels).
70. Avoid ***Computation***
How to keep computations from returning ***Computation*** by providing a fall-back answer.
69. Alternatives to IF ANSWERED
Other ways to test whether a variable has an answer.
68. Strip Punctuation
Strips all punctuation from a string or text variable, returning only letters, numbers and spaces.
67. Signing Date
A flexible signing (acknowledgment) date computation that either accepts and formats a date provided by the user, or creates a "fill-in-the-blank" type date where any piece of information can be supplied and the others left as "fill-in-the-blank" areas.
66. Monthly Salary
Computes an individual's monthly salary/wages based on their paycheck and the pay period.
65. Parsing "Select All That Apply" Answer Selections
How to parse the selected answers of a "Select All That Apply" multiple choice variable.
64. Which "Select All That Apply" Answers Were Selected?
How to determine which of the "Select All That Apply" multiple choice answers were selected (when "Select All That Apply" is activated.
63. Answer Count
Determine how many of a multiple choice's options were selected (when "Select all that apply" is activated).
62. "All (100%)"
Format a percentage as "all (100%)", "half (50%)", "five percent (5%)", etc.
61. Format a Date "900603" (yymmdd)
How to format a date without spaces or separators.
60. Convert a Roman Numeral
Converts a Roman numeral back into a standard (Arabic) number.
59. Tabs in Text Strings
How to place a tab in a text string.
58. Use Returns or Tabs in Merge Text
How to place a Return or a Tab in the merge text of a multiple choice variable.
57. Convert Number/Date Values to Text Values
How to convert a numeric or date value into a text value.
56. Reverse Text
Inverts a string of text or a text variable (reverses it).
55. Automatically Add Settlor/Trustor to the List of Trustees
If the Settlor/Trustor(s) are also designated to be trustees, this computation will automatically add their names at the top of the Trustees list.
54. Referencing Multiple Choice Merge Text
How to reference multiple choice merge text to use within a computation.
53. Smart Salutation -- Married Couples
Generates a multi-party salutation that will selectively format for either married couples (Dear Mr. and Mrs. Jones) or for non-married parties (Dear Mr. Jones and Ms. Johnson).
52. Format a Fraction as "four and one half"
Formats a number and its fraction in the form "four and one half," "four and one fourth," "four and seven eighths," etc.
51. Format a Number as "nine point seven five"
Formats a number or percentage with a decimal in the form "nine point seven five [per cent]".
50. Plural Form of a Word
Places the proper plural ending on a word, -s -es or -ives.
49. Possessive Form of a Word
Places a possessive ending on a word, 's (Bill's) or ' (Bus').
48. Using Chevrons in Computations
How to insert and use chevrons ("«»") in computations.
47. Convert Text to Pig-Latin
Translates a string of text or a text variable into Pig-Latin.
46. Convert a Text String to a Date Value
Converts a string containing a date to a HotDocs date value.
45. Pop-up Calculator on a Dialog Box
How to create a "calculator" button on a dialog box that pops up a calculator.
44. ANSWERED( Variable[x] )
How to test for an ANSWERED variable at a specific counter level.
43. Change the Prompt of a Nested Dialog
How to control how a nested dialog's prompt appears on the parent dialog.
42. Use Merge Text with a Multiple Choice's "Other" Option
A work-around that mimics merge text for a multiple choice variable's "Other" option.
41. Calculate the Average of Answered Variables
Takes the average of only ANSWERED variables.
40. Use an UNANSWERED Variable in a Calculation
How to include variables which might be UNANSWERED in a mathematic formula.
39. Auto-Assemble a Document from a Custom Button-bar Button
How to add a button to your word processor's button bar that will automatically launch a given template for assembly. Instructions are also included for creating a menu item or a Windows shortcut.
38. Use Both HIDE and REQUIRE
How to both HIDE and REQUIRE the same variable.
37. Round Up to the Next Thousand
Rounds a number variable up to the next thousand, hundred, etc.
36. HIDE/GRAY Additional Text
How to HIDE or GRAY the Additional Text in a dialog.
35. Round to the Nearest Thousand
Rounds a number variable to the nearest thousand, hundred, etc.
34. Full Name
Combine various name elements into a full name.
33. Populate a Multiple Choice Variable with Data from a Repeated Dialog
Gathers all of the answers from a repeated variable (repeated dialog) and places them in a multiple choice variable.
32. Using Quotation Marks in a String
How to place quotation marks in a text string or variable.
31. HIDE/SHOW for Regular HotDocs
A work-around for Regular HotDocs (not Pro) users that provides similar functionality to HIDE/SHOW.
Explanation of the differences between HIDE/SHOW and GRAY/UNGRAY.
29. Change the ASK Mode
How to change between ASK modes.
28. Auto-Expiring Template
Makes a template "expire" 30 days after the first use or after 30 uses.
27. Set a Multiple Choice Variable to "None of the Above"
How to SET a multiple choice variable to "None of the Above".
26. Pad a Number with Leading Spaces
Pads the left side of a number with spaces so that the decimals will align properly.
24. Last Day of Next Month
Determines what the last day of next month is.
23. "Fraction Thereof" Taxes - Rounding Up Incrementally
Rounds up incrementally (e.g. a tax is $3.00 for every $1,000 or fraction thereof).
22. Multiple REPEAT Filters
How to use multiple FILTERs for a single REPEAT.
21. Selective Period (".")
Determines whether or not a period needs to be placed at the end of a sentence.
20. Remove Spaces
19. Master List of REPEAT Variables
Use a multiple choice variable to hold a master list of answers gathered from REPEAT dialogs.
18. Column-style List
How to produce a column-style list with a computation.
17. Message Box
How to Display a Message Box with a Dynamic Message.
16. Pop-up Prompts on Dialogs
Have a dynamic message appear on your dialog box to guide or warn the user.
15. Loops via REPEAT
How to create and use a basic loop with a REPEAT.
14. Split Up a Name (simple)
Parses a full name into its component names.
14. Split Up a Name (complex)
Parses a full name into its component names.
13. Clear a Variable
How to clear a variable's answer.
12. Returns in Text Strings
How to place a Return (Line Feed, New Line, Carriage Return) in a text string or create multi-line output
11. Comparing Dates
How to compare dates within a computation.
10. Determine if a number is odd or even
The computation checks a number variable, and returns True if the number is even and False if it is odd
09. Test Your Computation One Line at a Time
An overview of using the STEP instruction to test buggy computations one line at a time.
08. Using Number/Date Values in a Text Computation
How to include a numeric/date value in a text computation.
07. Proration of Real Estate Taxes
For Real Estate closings. Prorates real estate taxes based upon the number of days in the current year that have elapsed as of the closing date.
06. Bold, Italic, or Underlined Text
A work-around that allows you to use simple text formatting (bold, italics, underline) in a computation variable. For word processor-based documents only.
05. Place a List in a Variable
Creates a list from the items in a repeated variable, and places the list in a single text variable so that it can be inserted anywhere in your document.
04. Copy a Repeated Variable
Makes an exact copy of a repeated variable. Copies each answer of one repeated variable into a second repeated variable.
01. Random Number Generator
Description: Generates a random number between 0 and 99.
02. Count how often a Multiple Choice answer was selected
Counts how many times each option of a MC variable was selected in a REPEAT.
03. Decimal numbers without the preceding "0"
Removes the preceding "0" from decimals less than 1 (e.g. "0.75" -> ".75").

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