I've created a repeat dialog called PartyName. It has lots of variables for the user to fill out for each party.The user then goes through the rest of the interview.Now at the end of the interview, I now want to:
only show the relevant parties. As maybe from 5 parties, only 3 are relevant.
for the relevant parties, ask them to complete one more multichoice variable "As Confirmed by Us".
The reason for this is a cleaner UI experience. I don't want them to go back to the start of the interview, cycle through all 5 parties when they only need 3 (and they may pick the wrong 3), and then complete the "As Confirmed by Us" variable.
This is where I am stuck.
I don't know how to implement this.
Ideally, I should be able to create a new dialog box, then in it: Have a loop which goes through all the parties, only display parties which meet the criteria and then ask the user to complete the "As Confirmed by Us" variable.
But Hotdocs doesn't let this happen. What is the correct approach here?
One of the challenges with this request is the amount of dynamism that goes into the Party Name area. If you had a specific limit on the number of parties that could exist in the system my suggestion would be different (example: never more than 5 parties).
My suggestion, which is little odd, would be to create a Script Link Button which launches a computation. That computation would contain a TF trigger which changes what variables are displayed on your original Party Name Dialogs, then an ASK Party Name instruction (when you fire an ask instruction from a button, it opens the dialog in question in a window). You then you dynamically display the "As Confirmed by US" variable, or a dialog element letting the user know to skip this particular party because they don't "have oranges" - per your earlier example.
This solution has the added benefit of:
Not requiring that variables become unlinked from dialogs (this can present buggy behavior in large systems)
Not caring what version of HotDocs you are using
The As Confirmed by Us data is actually stored within the Repeated dialog, meaning it is easier to script and filter Parties in the future, based on the data you've collected.
Where this solution could be better:
Slightly complicated to implement... maybe an hour or 2.
Does not hide the unneeded users so they have to click past them
Probably does not work well on an HotDocs Advance on a mobile phone.
Nicholas Parenteau, MSOM
Caret Professional Services