I am a solo developer still using version 11.1.5 of HotDocs. In the Options for word processor hookups Microsoft Word 2003 to Word 2013 are specified. I have used this version of HotDocs fine with Word 2003, Word 2007 and Word 2010 and their respective companion Access with the HotDocs database connection. I am now looking at upgrading Word but I don't want to get a version of Word that is out the end of what will work with version 11.1 of HotDocs which I am happy with. Does anyone know whether version 11.1 will work with Word 2016 (the tech info says version 11.2 will work with Word 2016) or Word 2019? or do I need to play it safe and find Word 2013 (which is very hard to source as a legacy Microsoft product)?
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Thank you all for your comments.
I actually think you'll be fine, regardless of what version of word you are using. When I worked at WealthCounsel, if I recall correctly we used the most current version of word, but were still running HotDocs classic.
@Nicholas Parenteau, can you provide some insights on this?